Overview: Herbicide Resistant Crops—Diffusion, Benefits, Pricing, and Resistance Management

George B. Frisvold
University of Arizona
Terrance M. Hurley
University of Minnesota
Paul D. Mitchell
University of Wisconsin Weeds, along with insect pests and plant ...

Simultaneous Diffusion of Herbicide Resistant Cotton and Conservation Tillage

George B. Frisvold
University of Arizona
Abigail Boor

Connell and Associates
Jeanne M. Reeves

Cotton Incorporated This study used state-level data from 1997-2002 to econometrically ...

Adoption of Conservation-Tillage Practices and Herbicide-Resistant Seed in Cotton Production

Swagata “Ban” Banerjee
Alabama A&M University
Steven W. Martin
Delta Research and Extension Center, Mississippi State University
Roland K. Roberts and James A. Larson
University ...

Characteristics of Herbicides and Weed-Management Programs Most Important to Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Growers

Terrance M. Hurley
University of Minnesota
Paul D. Mitchell
University of Wisconsin
George B. Frisvold
University of Arizona The introduction and rapid adoption of herbicide-tolerant ...

Weed Management Costs, Weed Best Management Practices, and the Roundup Ready® Weed Management Program

Terry M. Hurley
University of Minnesota
Paul D. Mitchell
University of Wisconsin
George B. Frisvold
University of Arizona Roundup Ready® (RR) crops have been widely ...

Effects of Weed-Resistance Concerns and Resistance-Management Practices on the Value of Roundup Ready® Crops

Terrance M. Hurley
University of Minnesota
Paul D. Mitchell
University of Wisconsin
George B. Frisvold
University of Arizona This study estimates grower benefits of Roundup-Ready® ...

Genetically Modified Crops and Household Labor Savings in US Crop Production

Justin G. Gardner
Middle Tennessee State University
Richard F. Nehring
Economic Research Service, US Department of Agriculture
Carl H. Nelson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ...

Potential of Herbicide-Resistant Rice Technologies for Sub-Saharan Africa

Jonne Rodenburg and Matty Demont
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) Weed-inflicted yield losses in rice equate to half the current rice imports ...

Pricing of Herbicide-Tolerant Soybean Seeds: A Market-Structure Approach

Guanming Shi, Jean-Paul Chavas, and Kyle W. Stiegert
University of Wisconsin-Madison This article investigates the effects of supply-side factors on the ...

Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters: The Case of Herbicide-Resistant Sugar Beet

Koen Dillen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Matty Demont
Africa Rice Center (Africa Rice) and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Eric Tollens
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven In ex-ante impact assessment ...