The Agricultural Knowledge System: Appropriate Roles And Interactions For The Public And Private Sectors

Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
University of Missouri For over one hundred years, Land Grant Universities (LGUs) have pushed the frontiers of knowledge; have ...

Public / Private Alliances

Gordon Rausser
University of California The traditional research paradigm represents discoveries flowing linearly from basic science conducted in public institutions to ...

Are Research Alliances Between Private Firms And Land Grant Universities Compatible With The Original Purpose?

Donald A. Holt and J. Bruce Bullock
University of Illinois & University of Missouri Increased collaboration between private firms and State ...

Partnerships Between Public And Private: The Experience Of The Cooperative Research Center For Plant Science In Australia

Chris Buller and William Taylor
ICAM Centre, Australian National University & CSIRO Plant Industry, Australia We discuss an innovative scheme, the ...

The Changing Agricultural Research Environment: What Does It Mean For Public-Private Innovation?

Cassandra Klotz-Ingram and Kelly Day-Rubenstein
ERS/USDA Agricultural research has experienced increased industry spending and public-private collaborations. Private incentives for public goods ...

Exploring The Public’s Role In Agricultural Biotechnology Research

Steven Sonka and Steven Pueppke
University of Illinois The potential for market failure resulting from under-investment in research is one justification ...

Public Science, Biotechnology, And The Industrial Organization Of Agrofood Systems

Steven Wolf and David Zilberman
University of California Concentration in the agricultural biotechnology sector and general patterns of restructuring raise important ...

Balancing Basic, Genetic Enhancement And Cultivar Development Research In An Evolving US Plant Germplasm System

Greg Traxler
Auburn University The structure of the United States (US) public-private plant genetic research system is being transformed by the ...

Public And Private Collaboration On Plant Biotechnology In China

Carl E. Pray
Rutgers University Public private collaboration in plant biotechnology is unusual in China because the private sector plays a ...

Biotechnology And Agriculture: A Skeptical Perspective

Vernon W. Ruttan
University of Minnesota A combination of population and income growth will more than double the demand for food ...