Functional Foods: Technical, Institutional And Market Innovation

Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
University of Missouri In recent years, neutraceuticals and functional foods have become part of our vocabulary and, increasingly, part ...

Food As A Source Of Health Enhancing Compounds

Paul Burn and Ganesh M. Kishore
Pharmacia Corporation Molecular nutrition is becoming an increasingly important scientific discipline of human nutrition. The ...

Health Claims And Labeling Regulation: How Will Consumers Learn About Functional Foods?

Laurian J. Unnevehr and Clare Hasler
University of Illinois Consumers find out about functional foods through product specific claims about their ...

Consumer Response To Functional Foods In The 21st Century

David B. Schmidt
International Food Information Council, USA In recent years, “functional foods” have become increasingly popular. Defined as foods or ...

Marketing Functional Foods: How To Reach Your Target Audience

Linda Gilbert
HealthFocus Nutraceuticals—foods enhanced with vitamins, minerals or herbs—are a growing food-industry trend. But getting functional foods to market requires ...

Agricultural Biotechnology And Societal Decision-Making: The Role Of Risk Analysis

Jeffrey D. Wolt and Robert K.D. Peterson
Dow AgroSciences Knowledge and trust are major attributes of risk perception that will determine ...

The Comparative Advantage Of Real Options: An Explanation For The US Specialization In Biotechnology

Brian F. Lavoie and Ian M. Sheldon
The Ohio State University Comparative advantage based on resource endowments cannot explain United States ...

Labeling Policy For GMOs: To Each His Own?

Julie A. Caswell
University of Massachusetts at Amherst GMO labeling policy for foods is under intense development. Countries are choosing mandatory ...

Negative Labeling Of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): The Experience Of rBST

C. Ford Runge and Lee Ann Jackson
University of Minnesota Voluntary negative labeling may provide a solution to the current controversy ...

The Economics of Within-Field Bt Corn Refuges

Jeffrey Hyde, Marshall A. Martin, Paul V. Preckel, Craig L. Dobbins, and C. Richard Edwards
Purdue University Farmers who plant Bacillus ...