Elliott A. Toevs, Joseph F. Guenthner, Aaron J. Johnson, Christopher S. McIntosh, and Michael K. Thornton
University of Idaho
Genetically modified (GM) potatoes were a market failure in North America in the 1990s. In spite of benefits to growers, processors, consumers, and the environment, concerns about GM potatoes are still prevalent. We surveyed people in the North American potato industry regarding their opinions of GM potato issues. Results suggest that: (1) growers may be more likely than consumers to accept GM potatoes and (2) all-native technology may be more acceptable than transgenic technology. Potato growers, females, Canadians, and former Monsanto GM potato customers were more likely to be optimistic about allnative GM potatoes. Proactive marketing of all-native potatoes with consumer attributes—and perhaps with the approval of an environmental group—could lead to market success in the future.
Key words: Genetically modified foods, potatoes, intragenic, transgenic.