Haidar Ali Al Dulaimi University of Babylon, College of Administration and Economics, Iraq
Email: bus.hayder.ali@uobabylon.edu.iq
Asam Mohamed Aljebory University of Babylon College of Adminstration and Econimics, Iraq
Email: asamcultural@itnet.uobabylon.edu.iq
Mustafa Jawad Kadhim AL-Bakri AL-Mustaqbal University College ,Iraq
Email: mustafa.jawad.kadim@mustaqbal-college.edu.iq
Mustafa Kamil Shakeer AL-Mustaqbal University College, Iraq
Email: mustafa.kamail@mustaqbal-college.edu.iq


Due to the extensive energy usage derived from oil and fossil fuels, excessive fuel import levels have recently become an international concern. This issue deserves the attention of researchers and regulators. Consequently, this study examines the influence of electricity production from oil sources (EPOR), fossil fuel energy consumption (FFEC), energy use, industrialization, and population growth on oil and fuel imports in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) fuel economies. From 2011 to 2020, the article uses data from a secondary source such as World Development Indicators (WDI). Methods of Moments-Quantile-Regression (MMQR) were used to evaluate the relationship between the constructs in this research. EPOR, FFEC, energy consumption, industrialization, and population growth were found to have a positive relationship with oil and fuel imports in FSU fuel economies. The article guides designing laws to reduce oil and fuel imports by limiting oil and fuel-derived energy use.

Keywords:Electricity production from oil sources, energy use, industrialization, population growth, fuel imports, Former Soviet Union (FSU.