Prospects for Bt Cotton Technology in India

Prospects for Bt Cotton Technology in India

January 1, 2004

R.B. Barwale, V.R. Gadwal, Usha Zehr, and Brent ZehrMaharashtra Hybrid Seed Company, India Cotton is a very important crop in India; farmers there face the challenge of losses due to various insect pests. The first genetically modified crop in India, Bt cotton,…

Global Impact of Insect-Resistant (Bt) Cotton

Global Impact of Insect-Resistant (Bt) Cotton

January 1, 2004

John P. Purcell and Frederick J. PerlakMonsanto Company Insect-resistant (Bt) cotton has been rapidly adopted since its introduction in 1996. Farmers around the world—both large and smallholders—benefit from this technology through increased productivity, convenience, and time savings. The vast majority of farmers…

Transgenic Papaya in Hawaii and Beyond

Transgenic Papaya in Hawaii and Beyond

January 1, 2004

Dennis GonsalvesUnited States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is often a limiting factor in the production of papaya worldwide. In 1992, PRSV was discovered in the district of Puna on Hawaii…

The Potato Story

The Potato Story

January 1, 2004

Wojciech K. KaniewskiThomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PAPeter E. ThomasUnited States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, Prosser, WA The need for genetic improvements of American potato was recognized as a primary target for plant genetic engineering. As immediate needs, virus and insect…

Progress and Challenges for the Deployment of Transgenic Technologies in Cassava

Progress and Challenges for the Deployment of Transgenic Technologies in Cassava

January 1, 2004

Nigel Taylor, Lawrence Kent, and Claude FauquetDonald Danforth Plant Science Center, St Louis The production of genetically modified cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) plants is routine in the advanced laboratories that invested in this technology during the 1990s. The ultimate aim of those…

Transgenic Cotton in Mexico

Transgenic Cotton in Mexico

January 1, 2004

Greg TraxlerDepartment of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn UniversitySalvador Godoy-AvilaEstación Experimental La Laguna, Coahuila, Mexico We examine the farm-level impact of Bt cotton in Coahuila and Durango, Mexico. Bt cotton was introduced in Mexico in 1996. It has been an important…

What’s the Holdup? Addressing Constraints to the Use of Plant Biotechnology in Developing Countries

What’s the Holdup? Addressing Constraints to the Use of Plant Biotechnology in Developing Countries

January 1, 2004

Lawrence KentDirector of International Programs, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, Missouri Agricultural biotechnology offers great potential benefits to farmers in developing countries, but so far only a small handful of genetically modified (GM) crop products have been planted in only…

Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Food Products in the Developing World

Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Food Products in the Developing World

January 1, 2004

Kynda R. CurtisDepartment of Applied Economics and Statistics, University of Nevada, RenoJill J. McCluskeySchool of Economic Sciences, Washington State University, PullmanThomas I. WahlIMPACT and School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman Worldwide consumer response toward food products made from genetically modified…