Biotechnology for a Second Green Revolution in India: Socioeconomic, Political, and Public Policy Issues

Biotechnology for a Second Green Revolution in India: Socioeconomic, Political, and Public Policy Issues

July 1, 2015

N. Chandrasekhara RaoInstitute of Economic Growth, New DelhiCarl E. PrayRutgers, The State University of New JerseyRonald J. HerringCornell University Long-term stagnation in total factor productivity of major crops in Indian agriculture coupled with a price-incentive-based spurt in recent growth have been responsible…

Politics of Biotechnology: Ideas, Risk, and Interest in Cases from India

Politics of Biotechnology: Ideas, Risk, and Interest in Cases from India

July 1, 2015

Ronald J. HerringCornell University Much of the literature on agricultural biotechnology is agro-economic. How material facts on the ground relate to a unique set of politics determining deployment of the technology is less discussed. This article begins with the global rift over…

Labeling GM Food in India: Anticipating the Effects on GM Brinjal and Rice Marketing Chains

Labeling GM Food in India: Anticipating the Effects on GM Brinjal and Rice Marketing Chains

July 1, 2015

Sangeeta BansalJawaharlal Nehru University, IndiaGuillaume GruèreFormerly International Food Policy Research Institute Several genetically modified (GM) food crops have reached an advanced stage in the research and regulatory pipeline in India. The government of India is in the process of introducing a mandatory…

The Competing Policy Paradigms of Agricultural Biotechnology: Implications and Opportunities for Emerging and Developing Economies

The Competing Policy Paradigms of Agricultural Biotechnology: Implications and Opportunities for Emerging and Developing Economies

July 1, 2015

Gregory D. GraffColorado State UniversityGal HochmanRutgers UniversityChubashini SuntharlingamColorado State University and Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development InstituteDavid ZilbermanUniversity of California, Berkeley and Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Agricultural science and technology policies—including public funding of crop genetics research, intellectual property protections, and…

Socio-economic Impacts of Bt Cotton Adoption in India: Evidence from Panel Data

Socio-economic Impacts of Bt Cotton Adoption in India: Evidence from Panel Data

July 1, 2015

Prakash SadashivappaUniversity of Hohenheim, Germany Several empirical studies have evaluated the farm-level and aggregate impacts of transgenic crops in developed and developing countries, however there is extensive opposition in the wider public. In particular, concerns have been raised about the performance of…

Technology Diffusion and Adoption in Cotton Cultivation: Emerging Scenario in Gujarat

Technology Diffusion and Adoption in Cotton Cultivation: Emerging Scenario in Gujarat

July 1, 2015

N. Lalitha and P.K. ViswanathanGujarat Institute of Development Research Technology adoption in agriculture depends on the access to information by farmers. This article focuses on the diffusion of seed and pesticide technology among the Bt cotton growers in Gujarat, India. Even though…

The Potential Economic Impacts of Herbicide-tolerant Maize in Developing Countries: A Case Study

The Potential Economic Impacts of Herbicide-tolerant Maize in Developing Countries: A Case Study

July 1, 2015

Nicholas KalaitzandonakesUniversity of MissouriJohn KruseWorld Agricultural Economic and Environmental ServicesMarnus GouseGates Foundation and University of Pretoria In this study, we evaluate the potential economic impact of herbicide- tolerant (HT) maize in Kenya. HT maize is essentially a new weed-control approach. The potential…