A Public Consultation on Plant Molecular Farming

A Public Consultation on Plant Molecular Farming

February 1, 2005

Edna F. Einsiedel and Jennifer MedlockUniversity of Calgary, Alberta. Plant molecular farming (PMF) is another phase in the ongoing research and development of transgenic plants, offering possibilities of producing therapeutic and industrial proteins. However, this technology poses important social and policy challenges….

Comparing the Performance of Official and Unofficial Genetically Modified Cotton in India

Comparing the Performance of Official and Unofficial Genetically Modified Cotton in India

January 1, 2005

Stephen Morse, Richard Bennett, and Yousouf IsmaelThe University of Reading, UK. Genetically modified (GM) cotton was approved for commercial cultivation in 2002. Hybrids to date have carried the Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) gene, which confers resistance to Lepidoptera and certain Coleoptera. As well…

Evolution of Capacity for Institutionalized Management of Intellectual Property at International Agricultural Research Centers: A Strategic Case Study

Evolution of Capacity for Institutionalized Management of Intellectual Property at International Agricultural Research Centers: A Strategic Case Study

January 1, 2005

Henrik EgelyngDanish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen. Intellectual property rights long remained a matter dealt with in vague terms of general policy at international agricultural research centers (IARCs). This situation changed at the turn of the century, when intellectual property (IP) became…

Biopharming and the Food System: Examining the Potential Benefits and Risks

Biopharming and the Food System: Examining the Potential Benefits and Risks

January 1, 2005

Aziz ElbehriUnited States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service Biopharming (using crops as drug-producing bioreactors) offers tremendous economic and health benefits stimulated by improving biotechnology methods. However, these benefits must be weighed against the potential risks to the food supply system and…

The Impact of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin on Dairy Farm Profits: A Switching Regression Analysis

The Impact of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin on Dairy Farm Profits: A Switching Regression Analysis

January 1, 2005

Loren TauerCornell University, Ithaca, NY. Profit impact from the use of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on dairy farms was estimated using switching regression, with separate regressions for rbST-using and rbST-nonusing farms. To correct for potential self-selection bias, a probit adoption function was…

An Empirical Analysis of United States Consumers’ Concerns About Eight Food Production and Processing Technologies

An Empirical Analysis of United States Consumers’ Concerns About Eight Food Production and Processing Technologies

January 1, 2005

Yun-Jae HwangOhio State University.Brian RoeOhio State University.Mario F. TeislUniversity of Maine. ratings of concern toward eight food production and processing technologies: antibiotics, pesticides, artificial growth hormones, genetic modification (GM), irradiation, artificial colors/flavors, pasteurization, and preservatives. Concern is highest for pesticides and hormones,…