Agrobiotechnology In The Developing World

Nicholas KalaitzandonakesUniversity of Missouri The importance of agrobiotechnology for the less developed countries (LDCs) has been debated for almost two ...

Biotechnology And The Value Of Ideas In Escaping The Malthusian Trap

Gregory Conko and Fred L. Smith, Jr.Competitive Enterprise Institute Agronomists have used increasingly sophisticated genetic manipulation of agricultural plants to ...

Ten Reasons Why Biotechnology Will Not Ensure Food Security, Protect The Environment, And Reduce Poverty In The Developing World

Miguel A. Altieri and Peter RossetUniversity of California, Berkeley & Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy Advocates of biotechnology ...

Ten Reasons Why Biotechnology Will Be Important To The Developing World

Martina McGloughlinUniversity of California, Davis The objective in this article is to challenge misconceptions often put forward about the technologies ...

Can Agricultural Biotechnology Make A Difference In Africa?

Barbara Woodward, Johan Brink, and Dave BergerARC-Roodeplaat Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Institue, South Africa There has been much recent discussion ...

Measuring Agricultural Biotechnology Research Capacity In Four Developing Countries

Cesar A. FalconiInternational Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) In 1998, the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) conducted ...

Biotechnology Capacity Of LDCs In The Asian Pacific Rim

Suman SahaiGene Campaign Biotechnology is comprised of a continuum of technologies ranging from long-established and widely applied technologies to more ...

Assessing The Prospects For The Transfer Of Genetically Modified Crop Varieties To Developing Countries

Greg TraxlerAuburn University and International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat (CIMMYT) Although genetically modified varieties (GMVs) have ...

Intellectual Property Protection, Biotechnology, And Developing Countries: Will The TRIPs Be Effective?

William A. Kerr, Jill E. Hobbs, and Revadee YampoinUniversity of Saskatchewan, Canada; University of Saskatchewan, Canada; and Kasetsart University, Thailand ...

Regulation Of Biotechnology In LDCs: Implications For Technology Development And Transfer

George TzotzosUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization The diffusion of biotechnology in most countries of the developing world is likely to ...