Direct Democracy, State Governments, and the Re-energized GMO Debate: Implications of California’s Proposition 37
Lisa F. Clark, Camille D. Ryan, and William A. Kerr
University of Saskatchewan, Canada It is often convenient to divide the ...
University of Saskatchewan, Canada It is often convenient to divide the ...
On the Economics of Crop Rotations to Inhibit Corn Rootworm Resistance Development
Michele C. Marra, Nicholas E. Piggott, and Barry K. Goodwin
North Carolina State University Corn rootworm resistance to one of the ...
North Carolina State University Corn rootworm resistance to one of the ...
How Distorting Policies Can Affect Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: The Case of Biogas Production in the Po Valley (Italy)
Giulio Mela
Centro ricerche economiche sulle filiere suinicole (Crefis), Italy
Gabriele Canali
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy Similarly to other EU countries, ...
Centro ricerche economiche sulle filiere suinicole (Crefis), Italy
Gabriele Canali
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy Similarly to other EU countries, ...
How Low Can You Go? The Consequences of Zero Tolerance
Jill E. Hobbs, William A. Kerr, and Stuart J. Smyth
University of Saskatchewan, Canada Establishing tolerance levels for the presence of ...
University of Saskatchewan, Canada Establishing tolerance levels for the presence of ...