Why Does Biotech Regulation Differ So Much Between The US And EU?

Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
University of Missouri When it comes to agricultural biotechnology, public policies in the United States (US) and the European ...

EU Agricultural Policies And Implications For Agrobiotechnology

John B. Richardson
European Commission, Belgium Despite the rhetoric, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) share a common ...

Regulating Agri-Food Production In The US And The EU

Tassos Haniotis
European Commission, Belgium There are a large number of issues that need to be clarified across the European Union ...

Agricultural Biotechnology And Public Attitudes In The European Union

George Gaskell
London School of Economics, United Kingdom The latest European sample survey of public perceptions of biotechnology shows that Europeans ...

Consumer Demand And Production Of Organics In The EU

Bertil Sylvander and Aude Le Floc'h-Wadel
INRA, France This paper delineates trends in European demand for organic products, particularly for poultry ...

EU Regulation And Consumer Demand For Animal Welfare

James Moynagh
SCAHAW, Belgium There is already considerable legislation on the statute books in Europe dealing with animal welfare. Such legislation ...

Animal Agriculture In The EU And Multifunctionality

Claude Béranger
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France In the future, animal production systems in the European Union (EU) ...

US Animal Agriculture: Making The Case For Productivity

Michael Roberts
University of Missouri-Columbia This paper documents the tremendous productivity gains that have been made in United States (US) animal ...

Transforming Commodity Animal Agriculture: How Easy?

Dennis DiPietre
University of Minnesota Relentless technological change and intermediate market failure are re-shaping the supply chain for fresh meat. Investment ...

The Role Of Science In EU Regulatory Policies

Bertrand Carsin
European Commission, Belgium This paper discusses the role of science in policy making in the European Union (EU). Lessons ...