Wilson Cruz Mamani Universidad Peruana Unión Juliaca
Email: wilson.cruz@upeu.edu.pe
Germain Marcos Lagos Manrique Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
Email: glagos@unfv.edu.pe
Soraya del Pilar Carranco Madrid Universidad Central del Ecuador
Email: spilarcm@hotmail.com
Edward Espinoza Herrera Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
Email: eespinozah@unfv.edu.pe
David Barrial Acosta Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac
Email: dbarrial@unamba.edu.pe
Rolando Remy Rivas-Diaz Universidad Nacional de San Agustín
Email: rrivas@unsa.edu.pe
José Luis Arias-Gonzáles University of British Columbia
Email: Joseariasgon6@gmail.com
Yuselino Maquera Maquera Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno
Email: ymmaquera@unap.edu.pe
Francisco Samael Saravia Ramos Universidad Nacional De San Agustín
Email: fscsaravia@gmail.com


Today, sustainable development (SD) is a worldwide requirement due to the numerous environmental challenges that require the attention of academics. Consequently, the current study explores the effect of entrepreneurial and green innovation aims on SD in Peru. In addition, the study examines the moderating effect of inclusive leadership on entrepreneurship, green innovation intention, and sustainable development in Peru. The study utilized primary data collection instruments such as questionnaires to collect information from the selected respondents. The paper also used smart-PLS to examine the data's dependability and the correlation between factors. In Peru, entrepreneurship and green innovation intentions were found to have a good relationship with sustainable development. In addition, the data demonstrated that inclusive leadership moderates the relationship between entrepreneurship, green innovation intention, and SD in Peru. The essay supports policy-making authorities in formulating SD-related policies by refocusing entrepreneurs' attention on green innovation

Keywords:Entrepreneurship, green innovation intention, sustainable development, inclusive leadershi.