Socio-Economic and Political Concerns for GM Foods and Biotechnology Adoption in the Philippines

Socio-Economic and Political Concerns for GM Foods and Biotechnology Adoption in the Philippines

December 1, 2007

Liborio S. CabanillaUniversity of the Philippines at Los Banos The Philippines established the first National Institute of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology in 1980. However, it was only in 2002 when Bt corn was first commercially introduced. Strong opposition by key sectors including…

Assessing the Prospects for the Adoption of Biofortified Crops in South Africa

Assessing the Prospects for the Adoption of Biofortified Crops in South Africa

December 1, 2007

Rosemary A. WolsonCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) South Africa was an early adopter of GM crops and, more recently, introduced a national food-fortification program. This article discusses the country’s experiences in developing an appropriate regulatory framework and the responses of…

Biofortified Foods and Crops in West Africa: Mali and Burkina Faso

Biofortified Foods and Crops in West Africa: Mali and Burkina Faso

December 1, 2007

Regina BirnerInternational Food Policy Research InstituteSanibé Abel KoneNational Programme for Citizenship Education (PNEC)Nicolas LinacreIndependent ConsultantDanielle ResnickCornell University Micronutrient deficiencies, especially deficiencies of Vitamin A, iron, and zinc, are widespread in Burkina Faso and Mali and contribute to high mortality rates. Biofortification of…

Patterns of Political Support and Pathways to Final Impact

Patterns of Political Support and Pathways to Final Impact

December 1, 2007

Calestous JumaHarvard UniversityRobert PaarlbergWellesley CollegeCarl PrayRutgers UniversityLaurian UnnevehrUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign A hypothetical scheme is offered for predicting which biofortified food technologies will enjoy greatest political support or opposition and from which actors on the political landscape. Beyond political support, benefits…

Current Contribution of Four Biotechnologies to New Zealand’s Primary Sector

Current Contribution of Four Biotechnologies to New Zealand’s Primary Sector

July 1, 2007

William H. Kaye-Blake, Caroline M. Saunders, and Paul DalzielLincoln University, New Zealand. This article presents research estimating the economic contribution made by the uptake of biotechnology in the primary sector of New Zealand. It focuses on the impact of four biotechnologies: clonal…

The Economic Impacts of Introducing Bt Technology in Smallholder Cotton Production Systems of West Africa: A Case Study from Mali

The Economic Impacts of Introducing Bt Technology in Smallholder Cotton Production Systems of West Africa: A Case Study from Mali

July 1, 2007

Jeffrey Vitale and Tracey BoyerOklahoma State University.Rafael Uaiene and John H. SandersPurdue University. pest management grows increasingly obsolete and insects remain a major adversary of its farming. Opponents of biotechnology cite concerns over the scientific boundaries and potential North-South domination that transgenic…

Consumer Attitudes and Policy Directions for GM Labeling and Pollen Drift Regulation: Evidence from the 2006 Vermonter Poll

Consumer Attitudes and Policy Directions for GM Labeling and Pollen Drift Regulation: Evidence from the 2006 Vermonter Poll

July 1, 2007

Valerie Esposito and Jane KolodinskyUniversity of Vermont. Given the uncertainty of the use of genetic engineering in production of genetically modified (GM) foods, it remains the subject of one of the most vitriolic scientific debates throughout the globe. Newer facets of the…

Economic Impacts of Not Extending Biofuel Subsidies

Economic Impacts of Not Extending Biofuel Subsidies

July 1, 2007

John KruseGlobal Insight.Patrick Westhoff, Seth Meyer, and Wyatt ThompsonUniversity of Missouri-Columbia. The exponential growth of the biofuels industry has created significant increases in feed prices to the livestock sector. In February and March of 2007, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the…

Market and Welfare Effects of GMO Introduction in Small Open Economies

Market and Welfare Effects of GMO Introduction in Small Open Economies

July 1, 2007

Alejandro Plastina and Konstantinos GiannakasUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln. This paper develops a model of heterogeneous producers and consumers to analyze the market and welfare effects of the introduction of GM products in small open developing economies. Analytical results show that while the agronomic…