Direct Democracy, State Governments, and the Re-energized GMO Debate: Implications of California’s Proposition 37

Direct Democracy, State Governments, and the Re-energized GMO Debate: Implications of California’s Proposition 37

December 1, 2013

Lisa F. Clark, Camille D. Ryan, and William A. KerrUniversity of Saskatchewan, Canada It is often convenient to divide the world into those countries that have been generally accepting of agricultural biotechnology and those that are not. While the debate over biotechnology…

On the Economics of Crop Rotations to Inhibit Corn Rootworm Resistance Development

On the Economics of Crop Rotations to Inhibit Corn Rootworm Resistance Development

December 1, 2013

Michele C. Marra, Nicholas E. Piggott, and Barry K. GoodwinNorth Carolina State University Corn rootworm resistance to one of the corn rootworm traits has been found in a few isolated places in the Corn Belt. Several crop rotations have been proposed by…

How Distorting Policies Can Affect Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: The Case of Biogas Production in the Po Valley (Italy)

How Distorting Policies Can Affect Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: The Case of Biogas Production in the Po Valley (Italy)

December 1, 2013

Giulio MelaCentro ricerche economiche sulle filiere suinicole (Crefis), ItalyGabriele CanaliUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy Similarly to other EU countries, Italy began subsidizing electric energy production from renewable sources such as biogas. This proved to be an inefficient way of using available…

How Low Can You Go? The Consequences of Zero Tolerance

How Low Can You Go? The Consequences of Zero Tolerance

December 1, 2013

Jill E. Hobbs, William A. Kerr, and Stuart J. SmythUniversity of Saskatchewan, Canada Establishing tolerance levels for the presence of unwanted materials that may inadvertently become co-mingled with products that are acceptable in markets is a problem for regulators that requires arbitrary…