Consumer Preferences, Ecolabels, and Effects of Negative Environmental Information

Consumer Preferences, Ecolabels, and Effects of Negative Environmental Information

December 1, 2015

Xianwen Chen, Frode Alfnes, and Kyrre RickertsenNorwegian University of Life Sciences Consumers prefer ecolabeled products. However, little is known about the effects of ecolabels when consumers are simultaneously exposed to negative environmental information about the ecolabeled products. We conducted a stated choice…

Willingness to Pay for Organic Food Products and Organic Purity: Experimental Evidence

Willingness to Pay for Organic Food Products and Organic Purity: Experimental Evidence

December 1, 2015

Jesse L. Strzok and Wallace E. HuffmanIowa State University The market for organic products has grown rapidly over the past decade, and such products are now available not only in specialty stores but also in large grocery stores, supermarkets, and big-box super…