Economic Benefits of Genetically-modified Herbicide-tolerant Canola for Producers

Michael Gusta, Stuart J. Smyth, Kenneth Belcher, and Peter W.B. Phillips
University of Saskatchewan
David Castle
University of Edinburgh Genetically-modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) canola ...

An Industry Perspective of All-native and Transgenic Potatoes

Elliott A. Toevs, Joseph F. Guenthner, Aaron J. Johnson, Christopher S. McIntosh, and Michael K. Thornton
University of Idaho Genetically modified ...

Thwarting Consumer Choice: The Case Against Mandatory Labeling for Genetically Modified Foods

Alan McHughen
University of California This thin book—less than 70 pages of text—succinctly counters every argument made in favor of mandatory ...

Factors Affecting Italian Consumer Attitudes Toward Functional Foods

Azzurra Annunziata and Riccardo Vecchio
University of Naples “Parthenope” Healthier food products have entered the global markets with force in the ...