Should Use Of Genetically Modified Organisms Be Labeled?

Julie A. Caswell
University of Massachusetts - Amherst Consumers are increasingly considering information on how foods are produced in making their ...

Public Acceptance of Agricultural Biotechnology: Editor’s Introduction

Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
Associate Professor of Agribusiness at the University of Missouri and the
Editor of AgBioForum. Welcome to AgBioForum, the online magazine ...

Trends In Consumer Attitudes About Agricultural Biotechnology

Thomas J. Hoban
North Carolina State University-Raleigh The benefits of agricultural biotechnology have been promised for almost two decades. That promise ...

Agricultural Biotechnology: Why Do Europeans Have Difficulty Accepting It?

B. Zechendorf
Directorate-General Science, Research & Development European Commission Agricultural experts expect "massive changes in agribusiness" when biotechnological methods and products ...

The Emotional Response To Risks: Inevitable But Not Unmanageable

Henry I. Miller
Stanford University People are afraid of technology, no question about it. Some apprehension about new gadgets or products ...

Fearing Fear: Communication About Agricultural Biotechnology

Caron Chess
Rutgers University This article, based on a presentation at the National Agricultural Council's meeting (Chess, 1995), nudges the agbiotech ...

GMO Labeling: Threat Or Opportunity?

Peter W.B. Phillips and Grant Isaac
University of Saskatchewan, Canada Genetically-modified plants, animals and processed foodstuffs have been introduced to the ...

A View Of GMOs From The UK

Rupert Loader and Spencer Henson
Centre for Food Economics Research at the University of Reading, UK Food Consumers In The UK ...

What’s In A Label?

Karen K. Marshall
Monsanto Company What's in a label? A lot more than information when it comes to foods and food ...

Agricultural Biotechnology And Public Perceptions

Jerry Caulder
Xyris Corporation Much of the debate concerning the acceptability of agricultural biotechnology can be traced to the fact that ...