Comparison of Sampling Strategies to Evaluate Rate of Transgenic Adventitious Presence in Agricultural Fields

Comparison of Sampling Strategies to Evaluate Rate of Transgenic Adventitious Presence in Agricultural Fields

July 1, 2014

Rémi BancalINRA, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR) 211 INRA AgroParisTech GrignonArnaud BensadounINRA, Unité de Recherche (UR) 341 Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées—JouyAntoine MesséanINRA, UR 1240 EcoInnov GrignonHervé MonodINRA, Unité de Recherche (UR) 341 Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées—JouyDavid MakowskiINRA, UMR 211 INRA AgroParisTech Grignon…

GIMI 2: A Tool for Fast Estimation and Prediction of GMO Maize Contents in Real Coexistence Situations

GIMI 2: A Tool for Fast Estimation and Prediction of GMO Maize Contents in Real Coexistence Situations

July 1, 2014

Enric MeléInstitute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology (IRTA), SpainAnna NadalUniversity of Girona, Spain Marina Melé-MesseguerConsultantMaria PlaUniversity of Girona, SpainGemma Capellades and Joan SerraFundació Mas Badia (FMB)Joaquima MesseguerIRTA, Spain Coexistence of GM and conventional maize in locations where the two types…

Use of Novel Techniques in Plant Breeding and Practical Consequences Concerning Detection, Traceability, Labeling, and Risk Assessment

Use of Novel Techniques in Plant Breeding and Practical Consequences Concerning Detection, Traceability, Labeling, and Risk Assessment

July 1, 2014

Alexandra Ribarits, Werner Brüller, Josef Hartmann, Rupert Hochegger, Klemens Mechtler, Verena Peterseil, Josef Söllinger, Walter Stepanek, Ingomar Widhalm, Markus Wögerbauer, and Charlotte LeonhardtAustrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Genetically modified plants (GMP) are regulated by comprehensive EU legislation. Cisgenesis, intragenesis, oligo-directed…

Considering Religious and Cultural Aspects of Food and Agriculture when Seeking to Introduce or Develop GMOs

Considering Religious and Cultural Aspects of Food and Agriculture when Seeking to Introduce or Develop GMOs

July 1, 2014

Alexandra CoeGoucher College Culture, religion, and technology have shaped the development of society since the dawn of time. This article examines sacredness and happiness—as the common values all religions and cultures share—as the lens of weighing and balancing the perceived risk and…

Influence of Air Temperature on the Stability of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) in Maize (Zea mays L.)

Influence of Air Temperature on the Stability of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) in Maize (Zea mays L.)

July 1, 2014

Heidrun Bückmann and Katja ThieleJulius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, GermanyAlexandra HüskenMax-Rubner-Institut (MRI), Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food, GermanyJoachim SchiemannJulius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a maternally inherited…

Modeling of Gene Flow by a Bayesian Approach: A New Perspective for Decision Support

Modeling of Gene Flow by a Bayesian Approach: A New Perspective for Decision Support

July 1, 2014

Arnaud Bensadoun and Hervé MonodNational Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Research Unit (UR), FranceFrédérique AngevinINRA, Unit for Research Support (UAR), FranceDavid MakowskiINRA, Joint Research Unit (UMR), FranceAntoine MesséanINRA, UAR, France In the European debate about GMOs, the coexistence between GM and non-GM…

Evaluation of the Agronomic, Environmental, Economic, and Coexistence Impacts Following the Introduction of GM Canola to Australia (2008-2010)

Evaluation of the Agronomic, Environmental, Economic, and Coexistence Impacts Following the Introduction of GM Canola to Australia (2008-2010)

January 1, 2014

David HudsonSGA Solutions Pty. Ltd., AustraliaRosemary RichardsBowman, Richards, and Associates, Australia Despite genetically modified (GM) canola receiving Australian regulatory approval in 2003, commercial production did not occur until 2008 due to concerns relating to coexistence. Following commercial release, a three-year study was…

Farmers’ Interest in Growing GM Crops in the UK, in the Context of a Range of On-farm Coexistence Issues

Farmers’ Interest in Growing GM Crops in the UK, in the Context of a Range of On-farm Coexistence Issues

January 1, 2014

Philip J. Jones and Richard B. TranterUniversity of Reading, UK Although no GM crops currently are licensed for commercial production in the UK, as opposition to GM crops by consumers softens, this could change quickly. Although past studies have examined attitudes of…

The European Coexistence Bureau: Five Years’ Experience

The European Coexistence Bureau: Five Years’ Experience

January 1, 2014

Ivelin Rizov and Emilio Rodríguez-CerezoEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) The European Coexistence Bureau (ECoB) was established in 2008 to help European Union member states identify best practices for technical segregation measures between GM and non-…