Guest Editors: Brad Gilmour, Hugh Dang, and Jennifer Ma
Since the idea of a special issue related to agri-biotech policy and regulatory studies came into mind, we have received support from a number of well-known experts. Without their support, this special issue might not be produced. At the initial stage, we consulted this idea with Dr. Juma Calestous from Harvard University. Dr. Calestous encouraged us by writing that “it would be excellent to have a special issue focusing on policy, regulations, and institutions.” We then brought this idea to consult with Professor Peter Phillips. Professor Phillips carefully considered this by helping us to work on the call for papers. During the review period, Dr. Lar Brink, a respected expert formally with Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada, actively helped us by referring a number of experts in the field.
When this project was established, we conducted a “call for papers” and set a submission deadline of May 31, 2014. After all submissions were received, we carefully selected eight papers. All accepted papers continued through a peer-review process, including an internal and external review. While the internal review is assured by the guest editors and/or advisers, the external reviews were completed by the invited reviewers with proven expertise in the field of the article. This special issue involved the authors, reviewers, and other experts from a number of countries and regions, such as Brazil, Canada, China, European Union, Hong Kong, India, Japan, and the United States. Read more….