Xiaolan Liu
Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs
Michael Farmer
Texas Tech University
Serge Capareda
Texas A&M University
Agricultural residue/wastes are promising for producing bioenergy, despite the existing considerations, such as spatial distribution, production costs, and an unstable supply. This study quantifies the supply variance of waste biomass and explores the viability of bioenergy conversion through advanced technologies. The regional concentration of feedstock and local market needs serve as the business strategy of proposed bioenergy facilities, and a constraint profit maximization model specified for optimal production. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the distribution variation of feedstock supply corresponding to the effects of multiple factors. Resource concentration and feedstock supplements drive the production scale, and high-value bio-products under policy support handle the production uncertainty and enhance the competitiveness of bioenergy products. The method and results of this study attempt to provide a platform for other types of residual/waste biomass to adopt advanced technology and bring the value added streams on line more rapidly.
Key words: Bioenergy viability, high-value outputs, optimal production, regional development, residual/waste biomass, supply variation.